The Wedding of
Hutri & Michael
“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
(Matthew 19:6)
Holy Matrimony
02:00pm PT / 04:00am WIB
Sacramento Central Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 6045 Camellia Ave, Sacramento, CA 95819
06:00pm PT / 08:00am WIB
Citrus Heights Community Center, 6300 Fountain Square Dr, Citrus Heights, CA 95621
Counting Days
The clock was ticking so fast, between thrilling moments that we had never felt before. We look forward to welcoming family and friends to witness our blessing vows on a happy day.
Our Love Story
In 2015, Michael first met Hutri in Sacramento when the Indonesian Adventist University choir she was a part of visited the city for a tour. Michael attended a few of their performances but didn’t get a chance to meet and talk with her face to face until her last day in the city when a friend of Michael’s asked him if he could help taking some of the choir members to the airport. As it turned out, Hutri was one of the people who rode to the airport with Michael. They exchanged social media, but nothing came out of it. Hutri came to Sacramento again in 2018, but despite the coincidence, they didn’t meet each other.
It seemed like their paths had parted, but God had another plan. Four years later, in 2022, Hutri came back to Sacramento with her choir once more, and this time Michael started to take interest in her. They began talking and hanging out together. Yet, for all the time they spent together, it took Hutri a while to fully open up and feel comfortable. But as days passed and they got to know each other better, a quiet certainty began to bloom between them—a love, gentle but steadfast, that neither time nor distance could ever erase.
On one beautiful autumn evening in September of 2024, after weeks of careful planning involving some of their friends, and after obtaining the blessing of Hutri’s family, Michael led Hutri to a beach in Lake Tahoe. As the sun began to set, surrounded by family and friends, he asked the one question that would change their lives forever. With a tearful smile, Hutri said yes, marking the beginning of a new chapter filled with hope, faith, and love.
Please kindly help us prepare everything better by confirming your attendance to our wedding event with the following RSVP form:
Ucapan Dan Doa …..
Wedding Gift
For family and friends who would like to send a gift. We would be glad to receive it. Tap the following buttons to send them to us:
phone: (269) 240-0457
Copy Number
phone: (269) 240-0457
Instagram Frame
Don’t miss this beautiful moment! We have provided a special Instagram Frame that you can use by pressing the button below
See You on Our Big Day!
Hutri & Michael